West Harrison Reservations and Camping

Group Site Rules

  • Check-in time is between 2:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Check-out time is before 12:00 noon.
  • Generators Hours are: 9-11 am and 6-8 pm.
  • Guests/Visitors who have not paid to camp overnight, must vacate before 10:00 pm.
  • Quiet Time is 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Be respectful of others. Keep noise to a minimum at all times.
  • Please limit your entering and exiting the property from 7:30 am to 10:00 pm.
  • All Overnight vehicles require a current, paid Camping Permit (Non-Transferable and Non-Refundable). This includes Parking Lots and Day use Areas.
  • Helmets must be worn when operating or as a passenger of a bicycle or motorbike or UTV if applicable.
  • Pack-in/Pack-out policy. There is no garbage collection at this site. All garbage must go home with you. If garbage cans are provided, they are for Food Waste ONLY. Do not put garbage in fire pits. Leave the site as clean or cleaner than when you arrived. We do not include a cleaning fee in the camping/visitor fees. Any cleaning required will be charged to your credit card on file.
  • Consumption of alcohol is permitted within your designated campsite only and prohibited in all day use and common areas. This includes the waterfront.
  • Do not move fire rings, picnic tables, rock or log barriers or erect structures.
  • Keep our campground natural and alive. Please Do not paint on rocks, trees or picnic tables. Do not damage the trees by placing nails in them or cutting trees, shrubs or bushes.
  • Only clean firewood is to be burned in the fire pit. No fires are permitted outside of the provided fire pits. Cutting or burning oversized deadfall, burning of garbage, wood with nails or paint is prohibited.
  • The use of chainsaws is not permitted on our property.
  • The Provincial Regulation maximum campfire size of 19”x19”x19”. If there is a fire ban, no fires are permitted. Ensure your fire is attended at all times and completely extinguished when no one is present.
    • Persons found leaving Unattended Fires will be asked to leave the property and are subject to be banned from all of our campgrounds and group sites.
  • Keep your pets quiet and under control at all times. Owners must pick up after their pets.
  • Do not discharge fireworks, firearms, bows, crossbows, bb guns, air-soft guns, pellet guns, slingshots or set traps.
  • Emptying or discharging the contents of a holding tank is not permitted anywhere within the site.
  • Campers, Guest and Visitor are responsible for any damage to the site. All site rules must be followed.
  • Camping fees include: Camp Cove Group Site, North & South Weaver Group Site, Weaver Creek Group Site (first 10 vehicles), Chehalis River Group Site (first 8 vehicles), Grace Lake Group Site (first 4 vehicles), Wolf Lake Group Site (first 3 vehicles), Wood Group Site (first 7 vehicles). Extra Vehicle fees apply for additional vehicles.
  • Maximum site occupancy: Camp Cove Group Site, Chehalis River Group Site, North & South Weaver Group Site, Weaver Creek Group Site max 50 people. Grace Lake Group Site max 24 people. Wolf Lake Group Site max 20 people. Wood Lake Group Site max 35 people.
  • All motorized vehicles are restricted to the main parking lot. This includes ATV’s, SxS, Dirt Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc. Do not damage the road and parking surfaces. Doing donuts in the parking lot or other areas will require equipment hauled onto site at your expense to repair the damage.
  • Do not place any bbq or other cooking appliance on any wood surface (i.e. picnic tables or other wood tables). This will cause damage to the wood surface and may cause a fire.
  • If an event tent is supplied, do not bbq or have a fire in the tent. This may cause damage or a fire.
  • The reservation holder is responsible for lost gate keys, gate pins and locks.
  • Organized sporting/competitive/group events require proper insurance coverage and must be pre-approved. No Grad parties, Raves or Festivals are permitted.

By camping at a West Harrison Reservations group site, you agree to respect the property and its rules.
You agree to pay any costs for cleaning or repair/replacement for any damage to the property, its buildings, structures, paths, docks, etc., that occurred during your stay. Any costs incurred by the manager to clean or repair damage will be charged to the reservation holder’s credit card on file.

Violation of any of the above rules may result in a charge and/or order to vacate.

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