Bugs and Wildlife

Please report any sightings of Bears, Cougars or other dangerous wildlife to the camp host immediately.


Bugs and mosquitos may be present year-round. In the summer they are much more active. We are not able to predict or control the number of mosquitos that may be present at any given time. We are not able to provided updated bugs reports because this may change day to day and may be different at each of our campgrounds or group sites.

Mice and Raccoons

Mice and racoons can be found at all of our campgrounds/group sites. Please keep your site clean so that you don’t attract them.


Bears have an incredibly acute sense of smell and can smell the smallest item of food at great distances. Bears are attracted to:

  • Anything that has been cooked or your are about to eat
  • Dirty barbecues or camp stoves
  • Any item associated with food prep or clean-up (dish rags, scrubbers, pots, pans, etc.)
  • Dirty dish water. Do NOT dump in the bushes.
  • Garbage, wrappers, empty bottles, cans, condiments, or anything that has been in contact with food.
  • Containers for gas, oil, or other petroleum-products
  • Pet food bowls
  • Do not put any food items in your tent.
  • Keep all food locked in a vehicle or trailer

Bears have long memories, your campsite may be clean now but if a bear received a reward there earlier, possibly by another user, it may be back so always be vigilant.

More information can be found at the Gov website Be Bear Aware

Additional Information regarding camping and wildlife can be found at https://wildsafebc.com/learn/camping/